Wednesday, November 23, 2005

still sick. and on being old(er)

Boy this sucks, still having a nagging dry cough, but the weakness and general feeling of being tired all the time is gone.

I had a free night last night and decided to opt out of a single speed ride at Fullerton loop. I decided not to push it with this cough and all so I decided to head over to Etnies skatepark and get an hour or so in.

Boy did I feel old and out of place. The kids nowadays are just sick with all their moves. I think I was the only guy with shorts on. Back in the day, skating in jeans was unheard of. Every kid out there had long pant or jeans on with their pads underneath. I find pants very inhibitive - especially for all the awesome moves/trick that I didn't do - haw.... Anyways after about 20 minutes of carving a few lines, I found myself on the sideline just watching... not wanting to attempt anything because I didn't want to fall and look like a tool. Like an old tool at that.

I need to find times when the park is empty I can look like a tool by myself.

Anyways the rest of the night was spent working on a Terminator 2 pinball. My ROM burner is up and running again, so I had programmed the "Profanity" ROMs now the machine says "F U A$$hole" during the random database awards. Also fixed a trough switch that was causing an drained ball to not register.

Kaleo Turned 4 and his birthday party is coming up. The wife and I find it easier to have a party somewhere else rather than at our messy house.


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