Friday, November 11, 2005

Whooping Cough.

I got what I thought was a cold/flu, but it turns out I most likely had the case of the "whooping cough" medically know as pertussis. I won't begin to tell you how much this sucks, because it just lingers on and on and I've had the dry hacking cough for almost three weeks now. It occured two weeks before the 6 hours of OC race last weekend and my whole family was affected.

I mostly got over the phleghm, congestion well enough to race, but it took it's toll on me. I ended up finishing only three hard, miserable laps, not to mention having bad mechanical failures and 3 crashes on my first lap that nearly did me in. Did I mention thigh cramps???, My goodness, my legs locked up on the third lap and I was basically paralyzed in the middle of the trail unable to move out of the way. Needless to say, I was not ready for this race, but I'm glad I finished it and am ready to do more "relaxing" riding over the winter.

I recall the last time I had really bad cough in 1995, so bad and persistent that I could not sleep or function at all. So bad and persistent that it caused head-aches. It lasted three days and by then I seriously wanted to die. It's weird in that I don't recall ever being sick like this in my teens. Now, it's like clockwork. Fall and Winter? Yes, expect to catch at least 3 colds and 1 bout with the flu.


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