Friday, January 13, 2006

Back in the saddle...

So I'm finally well enough and not embarassed enough (from the lack of training) to start posting again. Actually it was quite busy during the holidays so I wasn't able to organize my thoughts very well. I've still got some post nasal drip which is leading to some coughing but I'm about 90-95% where I should be. I've been on the bike again logging hard climbing miles of about 30-50 miles a week and my lung are getting to where they should be. I'm still not able to attack certain sections of climbs, but I'm getting through it. I'm also dropping weight again, but its tough to keep it off. I'll see if I can get below 195 in the next 8 weeks. Heh, I haven't seen 195 in about 12 years.

Tomorrow we'll be going up maple springs to Santiago peak up by the Radio Station and back down again. It'll be a long slow grind up there, but I'm looking forward to it.


At 4:44 PM, Blogger Bex said...

Hey Louis

I hope you're feeling better. I've had a nasty cold myself - ain't winter fun?

Good luck with your training too. I've just started up karate again after the christmas holidays, and boy do I feel the pain from the lack of exercise!

At 6:27 PM, Blogger LouiSurfer said...


At one point it was so bad I thought I was suffering from the bird flu or something.


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