More time between posts
I've been getting my ass kicked at work. It's been leaving me too frustrated when I get home to want to type about anything, but I'm finally coming to grips with the stress levels. nuff said bout' dat.
Last race was a week ago. We had a great time at the Desert Rage at Vail Lake in Temecula. We finished respectably. Middle of the pack, but one hour faster than we had planned and had kept up with a lot of more experienced/younger teams. We were never really lost, but cramping on the first run got the best of me and I was fighting them pretty much the whole race. I still need to figure why I have such a hard time with cramps when I have to run/bike back to back. Perhaps my poor hydration habits had something to do with it (temecula got very warm and dry). Gonna try and take in too much fluid in next time. My teamate observed that I didn't fill my water pack that often, and I really didn't have to piss that much over 7 hours (sure sign of not drinking enough).
Anways, we have a lull in activities for March and then a few races in April/May. Need to stay in shape for the 1.5 months off.