Facebook has me not blogging.

I really don't have much eventful to share. Just daily living, working, surviving and family life. All my little gripes and small successes in the last year ends up on some random comment on FB. Not that any of my past acquaintances or friends on FB are really interested... I did turn the big four-ohw this month and I've got a great outlook for the next 40. I'm gonna stop preparing and planning so much and start living in the moment a lot more. (I swear this is not mid-life!) For me, this also means not taking the conservative approach so much and not worrying about future consequences.
When you're young you think that there's always more time to do stuff. Then you hit some milestone and realize "Hey, I've only got one shot at this". Don't get me wrong, I've done a lot, accomplished a lot, but I really don't want to wake up one day and realize that I'm too old or too late to do something or that I've let money get in the way of trying things. I'm going to start knocking things off my bucket list way early, hopefully without too much planning.
I end the post with a picture of a bucket list item - Desert RV'ing with friends.