8 weeks post op. Video, booted the boot, life marches forward.
Sorry this update was over due. I met the doc last week at the 8 week post op mark. I gave the official Dr. approved “good riddance” to the boot (although I actually did this just prior to 7 weeks). Officially - no hard exercise (running) for another month or so, but I’m working hard at least every other day. PT is now working on more strength exercises now.
The daily usual: Stretching, Theraband, ABC’s, Icing, raised foot.
Added in PT this week: double heel lifts, more stretching, core exercises, balancing on one foot (which works other foot and leg muscles).
Added on my own: Squats, 10-15 mile bike rides (almost ready to clip-in, but common sense is getting the better of me).
The good: ROM is about 90% all around. I mostly don’t feel the tightness at the back of the leg on Achilles and calf. There’s still some swelling, but it’s to be expected, it’s not debilitating.
The bad: I feel tightness when the toes are pulled toward me - not at the back of the ankle, but at the front as if the “arch” between the top of the foot and shin is pinched at the end of the range. However, the ROM is the same as the non ATR’d foot.
The ugly: I know I’m making improvements everyday, but I’m struggling with calf weakness. The flexibility is there, the strength ISN’T. My stride looks almost normal and I’m moving pretty fast when I walk. Heheh, I’ll grudgingly say “frustrating plateau” although I won’t give in to it.
What next: I meet the doc at 12 weeks (1 more month). PT continues at twice a week. I plan on riding on dirt tomorrow night (just easy fire roads) with very light climbs. I think I’ll paddle my kayak over the weekend. I’m going to try to do some very light Karate beginning October (stretching, forms, no contact)
Calf measurements are: Non-ATR’d 18.5 inches, ATR’d is back at 18 inches (plus two inches in circumference since the cast came off).
Here are the clips utilizing a tripod - I’m getting better at this:
(side view, front/back, heel lifts, squats, stairs).