Thursday, January 19, 2006

More Training notes

The day after our Santiago Peak ride, I decided to take my nephew and son riding around Fullerton loop. Fullerton's a pretty quick 11 mile loop and we knocked it out pretty quickly despite the fact that I was towing my son on with our trail gator (tag-a-long). He's getting heavy, I think his 45 (or so) lbs, plus the 10 lbs tow bar, and his 20 lbs SOLID LEAD Specialized Hot Rock got the best of me.

Speaking of competitive nature, some dude on a Santa Cruz passed us up all hot and heavy (and rude-like) towards the end of our ride. So for the hell of it, I decided to stick with him with my son in tow. He couldn't shake us and kept looking over his shoulder as if to tell me to F off. After about a mile into it, he still couldn't drop me and my son. The route split and I decided to wait for my nephew and NOT take the muddy route. I could tell Mr. Santa Cruz was irritated because he kept glaring back at me, so a job well done. Mind you, I wasn't tailgaiting, but was just far enough back so he knew we were there. We headed back to the cars and our Sunday was over.

Monday, work
Tuesday, more work
Wednesday, geez another day of work.

Wednesday night Nino and decided to do Black Star Canyon to the Soccer Ball (dopler radar above beak's place). We hauled ass despite the fact Nino didn't feel so hot, but I was pushing the pace. It was pretty dark and desolate out there, not a single soul, no lights, cloud covered the moon, but the trail was pleasant. Nino came across some fresh Mountain Lion road kill, I seemed to have missed it because I was talking too much. Anyways, we knocked 15 minutes off our previous time point to point so it was a good improvement.

This Saturday, we will be doing the full black star / motorway loop. And then up Maple Springs to the main divide. this is the hardest 2/3's of the vision quest so it will be a good test. 6 weeks left to train....


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