Lots going on...
Training notes:
This weekend we were supposed to do the whole Counting Coup course, but of course the rain and MUD over the weekend changed all that. Black star was literally unrideable with the tires we had on. Nino and I had to turn around after about 8 miles, while Nick made it all the way through. Undeterred, I went and grabbed my kid for a tow ride on pavement and I got some extra mileage in. I'm sick again, with a slight cold, but I'm still able to train. Tuesday night all three of us made it up to Old Camp with personal best times of about 2 hours and 10 minutes. Mind you, this ride is normally a half day outting when you're screwing around and taking lots of breaks. I started cramping in my calves, but was able to push hard regardless. I'm paying for it today as I'm a little tight and a bit nervous about our Blackstar ride tonight. The 40 degree cold doesn't help either.
I can't say enough about how tough Kaleo is. I think Courage best describes what happened on Sunday right after the mud ride. I decided to let Kaleo go on his own unhitched for the mostly slightly downhill ride. I figured he'd mastered his brakes enough to slow down going down the embankments. (which are basically underpasses that go below a few cross streets). Along this bike path is a steadily flowing stream in a wash with no gaurd rail. About a foot deep and 10 feet wide with a lot of water flowing from the recent rain). While going down one of the these embankment sections Kaleo basically froze up and forgot how to use his brakes. And watching what happened next is enough to make any parent gasp in fear for their kid's life. He basically went down the 20 yard embankment, went straight off the path and plunged his bike into the stream. He then flew over the bars head first and landed in a dive-like position in the stream flowing over cement. I felt helpless as I watched, but then I realized I had to fetch him out before he floated down. We fortunate that his hands took the brunt of the fall and that he did not land awkwardly on his head or face. I think his helmet saved some injury to his forehead (again). A few tears from the shock mostly.
He was soaked and cold after that. The temp was about 65-70 degrees so there was no way he was going to dry off quickly, so we had to stop at a nearby park to take his wet clothes off and let them dry in the sunlight. At this point I thought our ride was over. I would have to call the wife to come pick us and the bikes up. I think Kaleo realized this too. As soon as I sat down on a bench next to him he said "No go home". "What?". He replied "No go home!" "Are you sure?" I asked. "NO GO HOME!!!" nearly to the tone of begging and pleading to continue on.
Anyways his closed dried enough so that we could finish the ride and we did.
The crash was no joke, especially for a four year old. I think it was enough to make any child weary of ever getting on a bike again. As I've told my friends at work, this kid has no fear.
I'm hoping next time he'll remember what happened and won't end up like a deer in the headlights again when going fast.