Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Rain Rain Rain Sunny

Haven't ridden or excercised in about a week because of the rain. That's not a real excuse, but this AR training session in San Diego is this Saturday. I'll try and get a run in tonight. and maybe Thursday. I don't want to be doggin it.

Finally got to see some video footage of the Tsunami. As a surfer, I was thinking there was someway people could survive that, but looking at the amount of water, churn and debris - people were getting tossed. That was a huge amount of brown foamball at least the Thailand one was 20 feet high and coming in real fast, those poor folks on the beach never had a chance.

Finished LOTR ROFTK on PS2, nothing to do but play games when it's raining. Trying to sell some games to get space back, hopefully it goes well on this Marble Madness sale today.


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