Monday, August 01, 2005

The kid is amazing

So I'm getting Kaleo hooked on stuff that I dig, this time it's trail running and trekking. I took him to whiting ranch for a 3 mile up and back last week and he just had a blast. He enjoys the up and down terrain, which is surprising. What keeps him motivated to run up the ups, is that he knows that there will be a fast descent going down. While running down, he ate dirt a few times going too fast, but he's got the hang and knows how to avoid the dreaded poison oak when I ask him to. He especially enjoys the creek crossings and the rock hopping.

24 hours of adrenalin coming up, I guess that's why I've sub-consciously been riding a heck of a lot more than normal. I got on a team with ODC and hopefully we can fill the roster. There's about another 7 weeks to train.

DEVO this week at the HOB, I'm taking half the day off to have a nice dinner with the Mrs. and to have a great time there. Should be a blast.


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