Training notes...
Lots of things over the last weekend. The wife went to Vega$ over the weekend so it was just me and the kid. I took him out to whiting where we rode about 12 or so miles (my cyclo-computer is broke). We hit Chuck E. Cheeses afterwards and wrapped up our weekend.
Training notes:
Tomorrow night will be blackstar again with ODC group. I want to try and knock this out in two hours.
Arcade notes:
I traded the Judge Dredd pinball for a Robotron and an Amplifone monitor. I think I got the shorter end of the deal, but I've lost love for the JD and My Precious needs a place to go in the garage-cade. The Robotron was one of the key last pieces of my collection and I'm real close to finally being done. Its my only Williams game, but I'll put the Joust/Defender/Stargate multi-kit in it, fix the bottom leg levelers and the collection will be 99% complete. It's nice to be able to be totally done with this, it's been an 8 year Journey to have the dreamcade done. Been through about 100 machines before I figured out what I like and don't like and what I have space/time for and not. I can now be very picky and just trade a game in/out as I get bored of it. Pretty much everything works. Now for some better arcade decor/interior design....